Trois Consulting and DDMS have announced the offering of a fully integrated geological and geophysical study for onshore exploration in Angola.
The companies are offering the study in association with Angolan regulator Agência Nacional do Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis (ANPG). The offering comes ahead of a planned licence round.
Data in the study includes 2D seismic coverage in the Lower Congo Basin, an updated geological map and database of the onshore Kwanza Basin and a compilation of aeromagnetic data, covering the transition zone and shallow waters of the two basins.
The two companies have completed KMAP-2020 onshore in the Kwanza Basin. This is a geological map and GIS database from a catalogue of geological field work, based on more than 3,000 samples and remote sensing interpretation.
Digging deeper
As such, Trois and DDMS said, it provides an enhanced understanding of the geology of the onshore Kwanza basin.
“We are excited about the release of K-MAP 2020. This enhanced interpretation, based on modern remote sensing interpretation techniques, will provide to new entrant a new framework and insights into the geology of the Kwanza Basin and for its prospectivity assessment of this basin, where oil was first discovered in 1955,” said Trois’ managing director Alessandro Colla.
Onshore in the Kwanza, the data enhances work carried out by Total in the 1980s and by Sonangol in 2015. DDMS’ study, in co-operation with Tectosat, includes remote sensing techniques with outcrop sample data. The companies said this had improved the accuracy of the geological formation boundary locations and structural data.
There is also seismic and well data for the Kwanza.
In the Lower Congo, there is 1650 km of 2D seismic, acquired for Sonangol EP between 2007 and 2010. This is available from GeoPartners, in association with Trois and DDMS.
The companies are offering a remote sensing map and ArcGIS project on all blocks in the onshore 2020 bid round.
ANPG will open the onshore bid round in January 2021. Companies are due to submit bids by March 10, 2021.