Statoil intends to more than triple its output in Brazil and has designs on becoming the sole operator of the Carcara discovery, a news report said.
The Norwegian energy giant has spent more than $10billion in Brazil to become the country’s biggest foreign operator.
The Peregrino field off Rio de Janeiro is producing 80,000-90,000 barrels of oil per day, giving Statoil 48,000-54,000 per day for its 60% stake.
“We expect (Statoil’s) equity production to more than triple in Brazil going towards 2030,” Anders Opedal, Statoil’s head of Brazilian operations, told Reuters.
Last year, Statoil bought a 66% stake in the BM-S-8 licence in the Santos Basin, including parts of Carcara, from Petrobras) for $2.5 billion.
And it took operating control of the BM-C-33 licence from Repsol Sinopec.