3t EnerMech, Orinduik Development and Windsor Technologies will deliver Guyana’s first training centre for oil and gas, providing skills, safety training and certifications for the local offshore workforce
Currently under construction, the developers say the site will provide an industry-leading and internationally accredited facility in alignment with the government’s recently enacted local content policy.
Offering the skills and training certifications that are required to work in the offshore environment, the Guyana Training Centre of Excellence will combine in-classroom training facilities, blended learning software and technology, and immersive simulators.
It will be the first training centre in the country to be certified by the Engineering Construction Industry Training Board (ECITB), and will also deliver the Guyana’s first OPITO-approved, Basic Offshore Safety Induction and Emergency Training (BOSIET) certification, as well as providing a controlled environment to deliver scenario-based firefighting emergency response training when relevant accreditations are secured early in 2022.
Located in Lusignan, east of Georgetown, Orinduik, Windsor Technologies and 3t EnerMech have invested more $20 million into the project. Its site offers easy access for both local and international delegates working in the offshore sector.
Local developer Orinduik is also in the process of building Guyana’s first commercial heliport as part of a wider complex which will incorporate the training centre, an aviation/marine polytechnic school as well as a hotel and business centre.
3t EnerMech is a joint venture between engineering services group EnerMech and smart training provider 3t.
EnerMech president for Americas Joseph Lichon said: “It’s our mission to develop local content globally and to help create safer, smarter, more sustainable workforces.
“Until now, Guyana nationals working in the oil and gas sector would be required to travel to Trinidad and Tobago, the US or Canada, for accredited training, making it very costly and time consuming.
“This is compounded by the logistical challenges of the pandemic including travel restrictions, additional requirements, and limited flight availability.”
3t vice president for training Paul Knowles added: “With Orinduik constructing the 3t EnerMech Guyana Training Centre of Excellence, coupled with our expertise, technologies, and programmes, we are providing a full package to help support the country’s personnel to excel in the oil and gas sector.
“We are very proud to play a critical role Guyana’s future and enhance its economic prosperity by making accredited skills and safety training available in country for the first time.”
Orinduik chairman Harrychand Tulsi said construction of the centre was expected to be completed in June 2022, and that the group was very excited to partner 3t EnerMech.
“This demonstrates our support and alignment with the Government’s commitment to training and employment of Guyanese in key positions in this sector,” he added.
Guyana has emerged as a hotbed for oil and gas exploration in recent years, as a string of major discoveries and subsequent developments have attracted the likes of ExxonMobil and CNOOC.
Riding a wave of growth as a result, the IMF expects the country’s GDP to expand by 49% this year, amid rising production and high commodity prices.