Malaysian national oil company (NOC) Petronas has hit oil at its North Madura II production-sharing contract (PSC) offshore East Java, Indonesia.
The Hidayah-1 exploration well was spudded on 7 January 2021 and drilled to a depth of 2,739 metres. The probe struck an oil-bearing carbonate build-up with good reservoir qualities in the Ngimbang carbonate formation and tested at approximately 2,100 barrels oil per day with good crude quality, reported Petronas. The Hidayah-1 exploration well discovery will be further assessed to ascertain its potential, added the NOC.
“The discovery at the Hidayah-1 exploration well marks an important milestone for the North Madura II PSC as it has proven oil potential of carbonate build-up in the area. This is an encouraging development and is a testament to the vast exploration potential in Indonesia. We look forward to strengthening our relationship and collaboration with the government towards delivering clean, safe and reliable energy supply to the Republic of Indonesia,” said Petronas vice president of exploration, upstream, Emeliana Rice-Oxley.
“We are thankful for the strong support given by SKK Migas and the Local Government of Kabupaten Sampang in making the drilling of Hidayah-1 exploration well a success. This discovery is proof of Petronas’ commitment to continue growing our upstream business in the country,” said the president of Petronas’ Indonesia operations, Nazlee Rasol.
Petronas is also the operator for the Bukit Tua oil and gas field offshore East Java and is a joint venture partner in six other PSCs located both onshore and offshore Sumatera, Natuna Sea, East Java as well as Kalimantan.