Westwood Global Energy reported that Repsol has opened commercial packages for its outstanding jack-up tender for drilling offshore Malaysia and is going through final evaluations before sending it to Petronas for approval.
“The operator needs a unit for its 2021 development drilling program, which is scheduled to commence between June and October. The duration is for about one year, consisting of six development wells and two additional option wells,” the research company said in a report.
The area of operations is in Block PM-03 Commercial Arrangement Area (CAA) which lies between Malaysia and Vietnam. “Repsol may also be looking to do some work offshore Sabah, in the Kinabalu Block as well. We understand that this is a limited tender that has been issued to the two local contractors and another undisclosed bidder based in Southeast Asia with affiliations to the CAA,” said Westwood.
An award is expected anytime now.