Malaysia’s Sapura Energy will carry out front-end engineering and design (FEED) work for the construction and installation of the wellhead platform (WHP) for the Santos-led Dorado project, in the Bedout Sub-basin, offshore Western Australia.
The wellhead platform will be an unmanned installation, located in 90 metres water over the Dorado oil and gas field, hosting the development wells and gas reinjection wells with minimal processing facilities, remotely operated from a Floating Production, Storage and Offloading (FPSO) facility approximately two kilometres away, Santos said today.
“This contract for the wellhead platform is the project’s last significant commitment as we progress towards a project final investment decision around the middle of next year,” said Santos chief executive Kevin Gallagher.
“The wellhead platform is a critical component of the development requiring a company with Sapura’s deep construction and installation experience. The design allows for the integrated development of both the gas and liquids resource and retains sufficient flexibility to support future exploration success, with the Pavo and Apus prospects to be drilled early next year,” added Gallagher.
“Whilst operating unmanned, the wellhead platform will have several innovative features including sophisticated reservoir performance monitoring functionality to facilitate optimal reservoir recovery,” he said.
Dorado is an integrated oil and gas project which is planned to be developed in two phases. The initial development involves the production of oil and condensate through a wellhead platform and FPSO. Gas will be reinjected in the initial phase to enhance oil and condensate recovery, followed by a planned future phase of gas production to backfill Santos’ domestic gas infrastructure in Western Australia.
“Dorado is a very low CO2 reservoir with approximately 1.5% CO2 and reinjection of gas in the initial phase, making it one of the lowest emission intensity oil projects in the region,” claims Santos.
The project has a Federal Government approved Australian Industry Participation Plan ensuring full, fair and reasonable opportunities for Australian industry to compete for work. This is accessible via the Industry Capability Network website.
Santos has an 80% in the Dorado project and is operator. The remaining interest is held by Carnarvon Petroleum.