Kuwait Foreign Petroleum Exploration Company’s (KUFPEC’s) recent exploration discovery at its Anambas-2X well in the Anambas Block offshore Indonesia has posted even better flow rates than initially announced.
The well flowed 40 million cubic feet per day (MMCFD) of gas and 1,249 barrels per day (b/d) of condensate, significantly higher than announced in late January, upstream regulator SKK Migas said last Thursday. According to SKK Migas, KUFPEC carried out five drill stem tests on three formations, namely Gabus Bawah, Intra Keras and Arang at Anambas-2X well after drilling deeper than initially planned.
On 25 January, KUFPEC said the probe had hit commercial quantities of gas and condensate in the Natuna Sea near an existing block in which KUFPEC is a partner. KUFPEC won the Anambas Block, which it owns 100%, through a competitive bidding process in 2019.
In January KUFPEC said initial testing resulted in a stabilised combined flow rate of 7 MMCFD of natural gas and 1,240 b/d of condensate from two formations. KUFPEC said it intended to conduct more tests on other formations within the same well.
The well was drilled in 288 feet of water, using a jack-up rig to reach a total depth of 10,509 feet.
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