Kuwait Foreign Petroleum Exploration Company (KUFPEC) has recently issued a pre-qualification tender announcement for the provision of conceptual and pre-FEED engineering studies for the development of its Anambas offshore block in Indonesia.
According to the announcement, the contract period will be for 18 months, reported Petromindo.
In February, it was reported that KUFPEC’s Anambas-2X well flowed 40 million cubic feet per day (MMCFD) of gas and 1,249 barrels per day (b/d) of condensate, significantly higher than announced in late January.
On 25 January, KUFPEC said the probe had hit commercial quantities of gas and condensate in the Natuna Sea near an existing block in which KUFPEC is a partner. KUFPEC won the Anambas Block, which it owns 100%, through a competitive bidding process in 2019.
The company holds a 100% participating interest in the block and has a 30-year production sharing license, including a six-year exploration period.