Roxi Petroleum, the Kazakhstan-focused independent said it has improved its flow rates from its flagship Well 143, whilst still encountering blockages from its deeper wells.
The company said Well 143 has flowed strongly since the New Year and continues to flow well with average daily flow rates (barrels of oil per day (‘bopd’)) using different choke sizes ranging from 520bopd with a 3mm choke through to 815bopd with a 7mm choke.
Roxi said it has closed its Deep Well 801, which has been hit by blockages, to allow the removal of drill-pipes. The well is next expected to be placed on test within the next few weeks. Roxi said it will provide an update once unimpeded flow rates have been determined following such testing.
Unrecovered drilling fluids have blocked the well during preparation for testing but for a brief period of up to two hours at a time the well flowed oil at the rate of 2,000 bopd before becoming blocked by the accumulation of unrecovered heavy drilling fluids becoming set in the oil pipe.
The company is set to begin clean-up operations by month end with the delivery of new coil tubing equipment to remove the excess drilling fluids.
The company’s Deep Well A6, spudded in early November 2015 remains on target to reach 5,000m total depth at the end of February 2016.
Chairman Clive Carver said: “We are naturally pleased with the significant improvement in flow rates at Well 143 following the perforation of the new intervals. As previously noted we have high hopes for this well and the structure on which it sits.”
“We remain encouraged by the progress at the deeper wells and look forward to a time when we can update the market with uninterrupted flow rates.”
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