Saipem has signed up CIMC Raffles to convert a semisubmersible into a floating production unit (FPU), which will go to work for Eni in Congo Brazzaville.
Saipem struck a deal with Eni Congo last week, with the conversion agreement announced today. The Chinese yard will convert the Scarabeo 5.
The FPU will receive production fluids from wellheads riser platforms. It will separate the gas from the liquids, sending the former to a nearby floating LNG (FLNG) vessel.
Saipem expects the offshore commissioning and start up of the FPU to take place in the fourth quarter of 2025.
Eni plans to produce 3 million tonnes per year of LNG in Congolese waters, involving two FLNG units.
CIMC said the FPU conversion work marked a breakthrough for the yard’s oil and gas works.
The yard will dismantle the drilling systems, repair and refurbish the marine system and install a new topside process module.
A CIMC official said the company was working to expand its oil and gas production unit business, working from “hull construction, topside module construction, all the way to commissioning. CIMC Raffles have a solid delivery history.
“We are confident that we can deliver another quality project for our old friend Saipem, providing efficient and safe equipment for the production of oil and gas fields in the waters of the Congo.”
Saipem has leased jackups from CIMC in the past. These include the Perro Negro 11 and 12, both of which are now working for Saudi Aramco.
Wison Heavy Industry is building the 2.4mn tpy FLNG unit for Eni.