The newly opened Oil and Gas Technology Centre is looking for innovative ideas to transform how North Sea oil and gas wells are plugged and abandoned in the future.
The call to action is the Aberdeen based centre’s first in a string of projects designed to bridge the gap between a ‘Eureka moment’ and deploying technology that could change the industry.
The Oil and Gas Technology Centre (OGTC) has ring-fenced a million pound funding pot to help deliver ideas that will enable effective well shutdowns – without the expense of having to have a rig on site.
Malcolm Banks, well construction solution centre manager, said: “Well plugging and abandonment is a big issue for the North Sea in the near future.
“We’ve got estimates of that there are 1,400 wells that will need abandoned in the next 10 years. There’s an estimated cost to go with that of £7billion.
“That’s a significant cost liability for the industry.
“Reducing the costs of drilling, maintaining and abandoning wells is a key priority for the Oil & Gas Technology Centre.”
The OGTC has three specific themes to address: modelling the probability of hydrocarbon flow to surface; verification of permanent barriers; and new and alternative methodologies and barriers.
Another key factor for the OGTC is cross-industry knowledge, where other skills and ideas not related to oil and gas may present a new solution to an old problem.
Banks said: “We’re looking for ideas from all areas, whether that’s academic institutions, commercial or research organisations or individuals.
“A key opportunity is to try and bring in non-industry solutions.”
The OGTC will welcome submissions until June 11 through its website.
Submissions will be evaluated against a range of criteria including value creation, sound scientific principles, time, cost and risk reduction.
Successful organisations will receive professional guidance, funding, and support to develop their idea towards the next stage of development.
The Oil & Gas Technology Centre’s Open Innovation Programme aims to identify, accelerate and deploy innovative technologies to unlock the full potential of the UK North Sea.
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