Well-Safe Solutions has bagged a second decommissioning contract for the Well-Safe Guardian in less that a month.
The Aberdeen-headquartered firm has signed a deal with CNR International to plug and abandon (P&A) up to 14 wells on the Banff and Kyle fields.
Located in the UK central North Sea, the two fields, with nine development and five exploration wells, are due to be decommissioned with activity scheduled to begin early Q2 2022.
CNR International announced plans earlier this year for a mass decommissioning campaign for nearly half of its North Sea wells by 2025.
To tackle the challenge, the Canadian company said it was a seeking tier 1 rig service provider to work alongside.
The announcement comes weeks after Well-Safe announced the award of the Repsol Sinopec contract to decommission a further 14 subsea wells located in the Buchan and Hannay fields.
Phil Milton, Chief Executive Officer at Well-Safe Solutions, said: “We are delighted to be able to announce this second contract award.
“The schedule control provided as part of the Repsol Sinopec contract enables Well-Safe to complete the Banff & Kyle wells during 2022, before returning to Repsol Sinopec with the dive system and Subsea Modular Decommissioning Riser Technology (SMART) system installed, allowing the remaining wells to be completed as part of a continuous campaign ensuring the rig team and associated supply chain partners, optimise our efficiencies, retain learnings and deliver our vision for Multi Operator, Multi Well campaigns.
“We look forward to working together to deliver a safe and successful project with industry leading performance.”
P&A accounts for around half of all decommissioning costs in the sector.
Industry regulator the Oil and Gas Authority (OGA) has long called for campaign approaches involving multiple fields in order to reduce the sector’s eye watering £46 billion decom bill.
Doing so will help safeguard operators, as well as the UK taxpayer which hands out rebates on decommissioning.
Founded in 2017, Well-Safe was launched to mitigate the costs of hefty P&A work.
Its aimed at creating multi-well, multi-operator decommissioning campaigns to generate a substantial volume of work and keep a lid on clients’ costs.
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