Oil and gas exploration company Frontera Resources is set to carry out a crucial frack campaign ahead of the large scale exploitation of Georgia’s South Kakheti gas complex’s Oil Window initiative.
Preparation and mobilization operations have been completed related to a four-well frack campaign that will now commence this month.
Frontera said the results of this campaign will be instrumental in the continuation of its progress towards exploiting an estimated the complex’s 788million barrels of oil in place.
One of the wells included in the current campaign is the Niko#1 well that can be considered to be typical of planned future wells designed for large-scale exploitation.
As previously reported in September 2015, independent assessment has estimated this well to contain 209,681 bbls of oil/condensate and 223 mmcf of proved dndeveloped reserves; 483,554 bbls of oil/condensate and 197 mmcf of probable undeveloped reserves, and; 1,143,599 bbls of oil/condensate and 1,146 mmcf of possible undeveloped reserves.
Results from the campaign will be instrumental in the final design of a larger planned program that is currently underway.
Frontera has designed a 175-well plan for the central portion of the complex that will employ multi-zone vertical well completions.
This plan is anticipated to exploit approximately 690 million bbls of original oil in place.
Chairman and chief executive Steve Nicandros, said: “Our technical work continues to bring us closer to realising the significant value that our extensive historical investments have identified within this important asset.
“As is the case with analogous plays that we have extensively studied in the United States, persistent and focused technical investment ultimately results in unlocking a game-changing outcome.
“With the work we are currently advancing, we believe that the South Kakheti Gas Complex will fall into this same historical pattern.”
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