Industri Energy said it plans to boycott Bibby Offshore this summer over alleged arguments around “social dumping”.
The Norwegian union sent a claim asking that its oil service agreement would be applied to work carried out by Bibby Offshore on the Norwegian Continental Shelf. Bibby is expected to carry out work on ConocoPhillip’s Norpipe pipeline, located in the Ekofisk area in the coming weeks.
However, the union said its request had been denied. It has now called for its members to boycott the company from July 25.
“We can not sit idly by and watch a foreign player without a collective agreement come here and get missions, at the expense of companies acting seriously,” said union inspector Harald Hereid.
The boycott includes association members and officers being “encouraged to pursue this vision everywhere they have the opportunity, for example in contract departments, boardrooms and other venues”.
Ommund Stokka, one of the senior leaders in the union, said while it encourages competitionsfor technology it would be relentless in pursing “equality for all in terms of wages and working conditions”.
“Just now we have a particular focus on what is happening in subsea contractors. We encourage employees who discover social dumping to report it to the association. It might be done anonymously,” said Stokka.
Bibby Offshore spokesman said: “No comment.”
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