A diver has died after suffering critical injuries when he became stuck underwater while carrying out work offshore Norway.
The 22-year-old is believed to have got caught under the water, according to emergency services.
The incident happened while work was being carried out on a platform at Westcon Yards in Olen.
The accident took place on Wednesday morning. The diver, that was employed in AD Offshore, a supplier of Westcon Yards, was critically injured when he arrived at Haukeland University Hospital in Bergen. Westcon confirmed at the weekend that he died of his injuries on Friday.
Executive director of Westcon Yards in Olen, Oystein Matre said: “This is a moment of great sadness. It is a deeply tragic accident and our thoughts go out to his family and others close to him.”
«He was a skilled working colleague with his whole career in front of him. This is so sad and meaningless.
“Our focus is now to assist the bereaved and his working colleagues with whatever need they may have.”
All employees at Westcon are gathering today for a town hall meeting as they come to terms with the news.
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