A number of non-conformities have been discovered on the Statoil-operated Snorre B production facility.
The findings were made after an audit was carried out by the Norwegian Petroleum Safety Authority (PSA).
Snorre is an oil field in the Tampen area of the North Sea.
It has been developed using two floating integrated production facilities, Snorre A and Snorre B, and one subsea template tied back to Snorre A.
From October last year to November, the PSA carried out an audit of Statoil’s handling of major accident and working environment risk at Snorre B.
The audit focused on process integrity, working environment, materials handling, maintenance and drills and wells.
The audit revealed non-conformities related to follow-up of working environment factors and operator cabin for pipe handling crane.
An improvement point was also identified concerning the use of process shutdown valves as emergency shutdown valves.
Statoil has now been a deadline of February 1st to report on how the non-conformities will be dealt with and how the improvement points will be assessed.