This month we decided it was time to tax some of you a little with a simple questionnaire. The topic is Employee Fitness and basically this is a self-assessment for supervisors, managers and HR people.
Please read each question carefully and then select the letter of the correct answer. Only one correct answer is applicable in each question. Answers are provided below.
1:Can a Supervisor, HR or manager refer an employee to Occupational Health?
a) No. Only an employee’s GP can refer cases to Occupational Health
b) No. Only the employee can refer themselves to Occupational Health
c) Yes. It is part of my job as a supervisor, HR or manager to seek advice from Occupational Health
2: How do I refer an employee to Occupational Health?
a) I tell the employee to make an appointment with Occupational Health
b) I complete a management referral form and send it to Occupational Health
c) I telephone Occupational Health to arrange an appointment
3: When I complete a management referral form it should contain:
a) A detailed reason for referring the employee
b) As little information as possible
c) No job related information
4: Occupational Health will:
a) Automatically know what my questions are
b) Understand what “job fitness” means
c) Provide general advice only if no specific questions are asked
5: I expect Occupational Health to:
a) Provide professional guidance on the fitness of the employee for their job
b) Be on my side and give me what I want
c) To solve all my employee work-related problems
6: Occupational Health will:
a) Take the side of the employee
b) Take the side of the company
c) Provide unbiased advice aimed at protecting both Company and employee
7: As supervisor/manager/HR I have:
a) No responsibility for the health of my employees
b) A responsibility to ensure the health and safety of my employees
c) No responsibility to make workplace adjustments for an employee
8: Employees are:
a) Paid to work regardless of their health state
b) Entitled to take as much time off as necessary for health problems
c) Expected to attend work and be productive while managing any health problem
9: Supervisors should:
a) Manage the employee’s sickness
b) Treat the employee’s health condition
c) Manage the employee’s attendance
10: If I do not understand the Occupational Health report
a) There is nothing I can do
b) I should contact Occupational Health for clarification
c) I should complain that the Occupational Health report is not clear
11: Employees with medical problems:
a) Remain a valuable asset and can still work
b) Are a burden to the company
c) Should be moved to another department
12: Occupational health will:
a) Be familiar with the requirements of every job in the company
b) Have job descriptions for all employment categories
c) Need information from the Supervisor on job specific requirements
13: Most employees with chronic health conditions:
a) Should leave the company under the medical retirement (pension) scheme
b) Can continue to work normally
c) Are dangerous to other employees
14: If the employee has work restrictions advised by their GP or treating Specialist:
a) I must follow these instructions
b) Cannot be questioned
c) The employee should be sent to Occupational Health for advice on Work Capability
15: Illness and work are:
a) Compatible
b) A nuisance for the supervisor
c) Incompatible
And the answers are:
1. c
2. b
3. a
4. c
5. a
6. c
7. b
8. c
9. c
10. b
11. a
12. c
13. b
14. c
15. a
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