Norway has grounded all offshore helicopter flights as storm force winds hit the North Sea.
More than 400 workers have been brought onshore from platforms across the UK and Norwegian continental shelves as rigs prepare for 12m high waves and hurricane strength winds.
All 32 helicopter flights scheduled from Stavanger’s Sola airport have been put on hold until conditions improve, with none expected to take to the air today
BP have now withdrawn 170 people from the Valhall field, with 180 remaining on the platform, while ConocoPhillips airlifted the last workers from Ekofisk to be evacuated last night.
Production has been stopped on Eldfisk, THu, Embla and Ekofisk bravo platforms while the storm hits the region, reported Stavanger Aftenbladet.
Maersk Oil said it had shut down gas output from the Tyra field in the Danish North Sea due to the conditions.
The final 17 staff on Talisman Sinopec’s Buchan Alpha floating production platform flew back to Aberdeen yesterday after the company decided to shut it down during the storm.
Aberdeen Airport has reported some cancelled or delayed flights today, while Scotrail shut down train lines across the whole of Scotland as a precaution following high winds.
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