The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD) has granted Lundin Norway a drilling permit for well 7220/11-3 in the North Sea.
The well will be drilled from the Leiv Eiriksson facility in production licence 609.
The drilling programme related to the deepening of appraisal well 7220/11-2 A which was temporarily plugged and abandoned last year in production licence 609.
Lundin Norway is the operator with an ownership interest of 40%.
The other licenses are Idemitsu Petroleum Norge and DEA Norge with a 30% stake each.
The production licence was awarded in 2011 in the 21dt licensing round on the Norwegian shelf.
The permit is contingent on the operator securing all other permits and consents required by other authorities prior to commencing the drilling facilities.
It comes on the same day Statoil revealed it had made a minor oil discovery in the North Sea.
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