Nearly 120 oil and gas apprentices have been made redundant in the last 18 months, according to Scottish Government figures.
Questions from North-east Labour MSP Lewis Macdonald have revealed 118 apprentices hired since the launch of a new scheme in January last year have been made redundant.
The Scottish Government has confirmed 46% of them have not yet found new jobs and only 33% have found new employment through its Adopt an Apprentice scheme.
He said: “Nicola Sturgeon herself announced the enhanced Adopt an Apprentice scheme with great fanfare in January 2015.
“I’m sure she will be disappointed the initiative has been able to help so few of those apprentices made redundant since then.”
Minister for Employability and Training Jamie Hepburn said: “Over recent months the Scottish Government has been engaging with a range of employers and representative bodies across a variety of sectors to better understand the impact the levy will have.”
Aaron Graham was one of 16 young apprentices left unemployed due to the demise of an Aberdeen offshore fabrication company earlier this year. Read more here.
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