Statoil is to invest NOK7billion in development of the Trestakk field, according to reports.
The Norwegian operator said the field will be developed as a subsea development with three production wells and two gas injectors.
Meanwhile, modification work is expected to start over the period of next year and early 2018 while production drilling commences in 2018.
Statoil has not given any estimates of the proportion of contracts which will end up going to Norwegian suppliers.
In a statement the company said: “In the development phase, the delivery of goods and services could provide income and employment for Norwegian industry.
“Examples of goods and services during the development phase are related to the design, fabrication and installation of including subsea template, pipelines and control cables as well as
deliveries to drilling activities.
“At present it is not possible to specify percentages for national and regional industry for these deliveries.”
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