Brexit could be a “silver lining” for the UK oil and industry, according to one marketing expert.
Scott Lehmann, vice president of Product Management & Marketing of oil technology services firm Petrotechnics said that the triggering of article 50 later today could have a domino effect grounding the sector in the UK.
He said: “The industry doesn’t have the same concerns as say the financial industry, where there is a real danger of jobs being moved out of the UK to other European countries as a result of Brexit.
“This is simply because there are still oil and gas resources to be found and extracted in the UK.
“And the low oil price means that there are already thousands of talented and skilled oil and gas professionals on the sidelines in the UK.
“The UK oil and gas sector on the global level punches far above its daily production levels in terms of expertise, experience and innovation, and this is unlikely to change. Its influence is felt around the world, from the frontline to the board room, to the technology used from exploration to production and refining.
“All in all, attracting world class talent is essential for the growth of UK oil and gas industry and always will be. But Brexit is highly unlikely to cause more difficulties than the oil price crash.”