Repsol Sinopec has renewed a charter for an accomodation vessel after delaying first oil from its flasgship Montrose Area Redevelopment until Q2.
The Safe Boreas will be on site at the £1.6billion North Sea project for a further four weeks through to April 24 as crews prepare to bring the Shaw field on stream.
Repsol Sinopec has the ability to extend the Safe Boreas further through weekly options.
A flagship that was expected to come onstream at the end of the month has suffered a setback.
Repsol Sinopec Resources UK (RSRUK) confirmed yesterday that its first new field in the Montrose Area Redevelopment(MAR), due to produce first oil at the end of Q1, 2017, would not start up until Q2.
The announcement came despite numerous denials from the company that bad weather could delay the project.
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