In just one week the great and the good of the north-east’s oil and gas industry will be celebrated in the Press and Journal’s annual Gold Awards.
Now in its third year the evening of entertainment will recognise the companies and individuals who continue to forge a path ahead for the sector as it emerges from the challenges of market volatility.
Sponsors Aberdeen Standard Investments, Balmoral Group, Trojan Crates, Kelvin Top-SET, ITC Hydraulic Services, EC-OG, Fly Boy and Village Hotel are also backing the evening alongside the P&J.
Editor-in-chief Richard Neville said: “The Gold Awards are a chance to celebrate the North Sea and surrounding region’s resilience and fortitude and to show that in the face of adversity it has the ability to adapt, reinvent itself and thrive. It’s a chance to celebrate genuine and lasting success.”
The night will kick off with a drinks reception at the Marcliffe Hotel before a three-course meal is served and the winners are announced.
This year’s awards, will once again feature BBC Breakfast presenter Steph McGovern as host, and are shaping up to be bigger and better than ever.
On the night one particularly outstanding recipient will be inducted into the Gold Awards’ hall of fame.
This year apprentices in the industry will also be recognised in a brand new award sponsored by Trojan Crates.
Entertainment will later be provided by the talented Scottish singer Lisa Fraser.
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