Service firm Aibel has fitted the final piece of the Johan Sverdrup puzzle into place.
Just before midnight on Monday the last of the three modules for the drilling platform was lifted into place in Klosterfjorden.
The assembly of the three platform modules is one of the largest inshore marine operations in Norwegian history.
The three modules have a total weight of approx. 22,000 tons.
Stig Jessen, Aibel’s porject director for the Johan Sverdrup drilling platform, said: “This is the crowning glory so far and a huge milestone for the largest project in Aibel’s history.
“I’m very proud of all the people that have put a lot of effort, and still do, into this in order to make it a successful project, where we along the way and in the end will deliver on time and at the right quality.”
The first lift was carried out early Sunday morning.
The crane vessel Thialf was used to move the 10,250 tons heavy Main Support Frame (MSF), built at Aibel’s yard in Thailand, on board the integration barge.
The following day, the Drilling Support Module (DSM), weighing approx. 8,000 tons and built by Aibel in Haugesund, was lifted into place on top of the MSF.
The lift of the Drilling Equipment Set (DES) from Aibel’s partner Nymo in Grimstad concluded the lifting activities.
The platform has now begun its journey towards Aibel’s yard in Haugesund.
It will remain moored in autumn and winter, while all installations will be completed, and equipment and systems will be tested and verified.
In early summer 2018, the largest platform deck ever built by Aibel will be handed over to Statoil and head for the field in the North Sea.
In addition, Aibel has been awarded the contract for hook-up of the drilling platform at the Johan Sverdrup field in summer 2018. The hook-up will involve up to 600 employees in rotation until the summer of 2019.