Statoil has been granted premission to use the mobile jack-up rig Askeladden for drilling activities on the Gullfaks field.
Gullfaks satellites are a common joint venture for seabed development on Gullfaks South.
Gullfaks Sør is an oil and gas field in the northern part of the North Sea and lies south of Gullfaks.
The field includes the leading Gullfaks South, Gullveig, Rimfaks, Rimfaksdalen and Skinfaks, and has a total of 13 seabed-well frameworks connected to Gullfaks A and Gullfaks C facilities.
Production started in 1998. The depths of the area are 130-220 meters.
The consent includes premissions for drilling, sidelining drilling, completion, recompression, plugging and well intervention at Gullfaks South.
The scheduled start is November 2017.
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