Statoil has been granted permission for drilling a well in the Norwegian North Sea.
The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate granted the permit for wellbore 30/8-5.
It will be drilled from the Deepsea Atlantic drilling facility following completion of drilling for Statoil in production licence 501.
The programme for wellbore 30/8-5 concerns the drilling of an appraisal well.
Statoil is the operator with an ownership interest of 50%.
The other licensees are Petoro (40%) and Total E&P Norge (10%). T
The well will be drilled about 5 kilometres west of the Oseberg field.
Production licence 190 was awarded on 10 September 1993 in the 14th licensing round on the Norwegian shelf. This is the fifth well to be drilled in the licence.
The permit is contingent upon the operator having secured all other permits and consents required by other authorities before the drilling activity starts.
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