CHC Helicopter has signed a deal with Lease Corporation International (LCI) to add another Airbus H175 to its UK offshore operations.
The aircraft will enter service in December.
It is LCI’s second aircraft placement with CHC in recent months, with the delivery of another H175 at the end of last year.
LCI – the aviation branch of the Libra Group – says the aircraft, which weighs 7.8 tonnes, carries 16 passengers, is in the super-medium category, and has a primary mission of supporting offshore oil and gas activities.
Industry leaders have praised the introduction of the model, which have provided another alternative to 225s, a model no longer used in the North Sea following a crash in Norway.
Karl Fessenden, president and chief executive officer of CHC, said: “LCI Helicopters is a valuable partner for us as we continue to introduce the H175 in the UK.
“We are happy to enter a second lease for this aircraft type with them.”
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