The Scottish Government has been a conveyor belt for UK cuts, say Dundee trade unionists.
The city’s Trades Union Council has called on the SNP administration to fight back against “ongoing Westminster-led austerity”.
In a motion before the Scottish Trades Union Congress conference, the Dundee organisation said: “The Scottish Government has continued to pass on the worst of the Tory cuts to Scotland’s councils.
“This has had an impact across the country, especially in our poorest areas.”
The GMB union has also been critical of politicians across party divides for not preparing properly for oil and gas decommissioning.
The industry could be worth £40bn over the next few decades and Dundee is well-placed to take advantage.
Last week, the decom giant Chinese Ocean Engineering Shanghai Company (COES) said it wants to base its UK operations in the city, which comes on the back of millions of pounds worth of proposed investment in the industry through the Tay Cities Deal.
The GMB motion said Scotland is “still not well-positioned” to take advantage from the manufacturing boom from wind energy, which coincides with the “failure to plan to maximise the potential economic benefits of North Sea infrastructure decommissioning”.
Speaking at the STUC conference in Aviemore on Monday, its president said the Brexit campaign in the UK had seen a “return to overt racism as a political tool”.
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