A trade unionist has confirmed that French oil giant total has entered into discussions with its offshore workforce about a proposed move to a three weeks on, three weeks off (3/3) working rota.
Unite regional organiser John Boland said workers on platforms serving the Shetland Gas Plant were subject to the consultation following Total’s takeover of Maersk Oil.
Any change in shift pattern will impact those on the Elgin, Alwyn and Dunbar platforms.
A spokesman for Total said last night: “Total has entered into a dialogue with its offshore workforce and their union representatives regarding current working patterns offshore.”
Total set out its “formal position” to staff at a meeting late last week.
The proposed move by Total is likely to end in an industrial ballot, Mr Boland said.
Last month, Robert Gordon University (RGU) published a report claiming those on 3/3 rota are almost twice as likely to experience ill health in comparison to those on 2/2 shifts.
Carried out for the benefit of the Offshore Contractors Association (OCA), the Review of 3 and 3 Rotation in Operation report highlights the mental and physical exhaustion felt by those on the altered shift pattern.
A joint working party was established in 2017 including the OCA, ACAS and three trade unions – GMB, Unite and RMT, who commissioned RGU to undertake the independent study.