Four workers on Odfjell’s Deepsea Aberdeen have become internet sensations after writing a song about “Rig Life”.
The quartet’s tune details everything from poor wifi to teashack banter, as well as hearing seeing “dreaded” 01224 number on their phone when it’s time to go back offshore.
A video of them performing the song has now been viewed nearly 8,000 times online (see lyrics below).
The Deepsea Aberdeen was stationed at Magnus Bay for maintenance when the guys decided to write a song.
James Henderson, co-wrote it, said they decided the best thing to do was write about their lives offshore.
“We were just messing about, as you do, with the guitars at lunchtime, and we were wondering what the song was going to be about, so we said ‘what about right now?’
“That’s where it came from, every lyric has something to do with where we were, even down to the phones and the wifi.
“A lot of the guys go back and forth to Thailand too so that’s where that lyric comes from.
“Even the last bit of the song- if you check in in the morning you’ll be hanging around all day – a lot of the guys will relate to that”.
James is a roustabout on the rig, he’s seen playing guitar on the left on the video.
Kenny Scott is the singer, and a storekeeper offshore, John, on bass, is a steward and Daz Migiani is an ROV pilot.
A wee song me and the boys wrote offshore haha, rig life ?
Posted by James Henderson on Thursday, 2 August 2018
Quiet Monday morning to a rig from Aberdeen,
If you listen you might hear us, we’re seldomly unseen.
We’re off the coast of Shetland, the land is in our sight.
As we sit here, there’s no chance of Captain Flint’s tonight.
So the dart board is getting rattled, PA’s coming through.
It’s getting on for lunchtime and there’s f**k-all else to do.
Rig Life, oh, Rig Life. Half your life at sea.
Rig Life, oh, Rig Life. Is the only life for me.
Set sail in the morning, 80 miles west and when we get going there’ll be no chance for a rest.
At times you need a catch up, and talk to folks back home.
Then you find you cannae coz there’s something up with the flute.
Wifi’s barely working, it’s getting on my tits.
Dodgy eggs for breakfast and now I’ve got the shits.
Teashack grog for dinner, there’s banter in the air.
Before you ken it’s back to work with no more time to spare.
Rig Life, oh, Rig Life. Half your life at sea.
Rig Life, oh, Rig Life. Is the only life for me.
Now its going home time and I cannae wait.
Chopper’s due on the deck soon, I bet the f**ker’s late.
Booked the flight to Thailand, I’m gonna get my peev.
And no the type like Jim had with that ladyboy called Steve.
You’re kicking back , feeling like you’ve just got in the door.
The mobile rings that dreaded number 01224.
Your check-in in the morning, you’ll be hanging round all day.
Rig Life, oh, Rig Life. Half your life at sea.
Rig Life, oh, Rig Life. Is the only life for me.
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