A Malaysian duo will try to get after another 1.7 million barrels of oil in the Anasuria Cluster with a second sidetrack well on the Guillemot A field.
Anasuria Operating Company (AOC), a joint venture between Hibiscus Petroleum and Ping Petroleum, has booked the Stena Spey rig to drill the GUA‐P1 sidetrack well in the first half of this year.
Petrofac has been appointed as well operator by AOC.
The Anasuria Cluster is located 110 miles east of Aberdeen and is operated by AOC, which bought the assets from Shell and ExxonMobil in 2016 for close to £70m.
Last year, AOC succeeded with a first sidetrack well on Guillemot A, which could yield 1.5m barrels in total.
Hibiscus managing director Kenneth Pereira said: “The GUA‐P1 side‐track project follows the successful drilling of the GUA‐P2 side‐track project which was completed in the third quarter of 2018 and has since contributed to enhanced production in the Anasuria Cluster.
“The GUA-P1 side‐track project will be funded from internally generated funds and is part of a series of production
enhancement projects which are targeted to increase net production to 5,000 barrels of oil per day by
“We are working closely with our partners and service providers to safely deliver the successful execution of the GUA‐P1 side‐track project.”
The Anasuria Cluster consists of the Teal, Teal South, Guillemot and Cook fields, which produce to the Anasuria floating, production, storage and offloading vessel.
Hibiscus holds 50% joint‐operating interests in the Teal, Teal South and Guillemot fields, as well as 19.3% non‐operating interest in the Cook field.