A walkout of more than 100 workers yesterday at ExxonMobil’s Mossmorran plant in Fife has been resolved today after “positive discussions”, according to trade unions.
GMB and Unite Union released a statement this afternoon stating that staff would “return to work as normal” following a 48-hour standoff.
ExxonMobil issued a statement online yesterday claiming that it was aware Bilfinger workers “are taking unofficial action following a disagreement we understand to be over pay”.
GMB Union said relations between the workforce and management had been “deteriorating for some time” as workers felt “ignored” after raising safety issues.
Gary Cook, GMB Scotland organiser, said: “The concerns raised surrounding working conditions and safety on site will be addressed fully under the terms of the ‘blue book’ industry agreement.
“Staff will suffer no detriment for the action taken over the last 48 hours and we look forward to working positively with Exxon and the sub-contractor employers moving forward.”
The petrochemical plant, which is part of the North Sea’s Brent oil and gas system, has been under fire after “intense flaring” sparked alarm among nearby communities earlier this week.
Unite regional industrial officer, Bob MacGregor, added: “The situation at Mossmorran spontaneously occurred between some contractors and their workers resulting in work on site being suspended.
“Unite has been involved in meetings today with the contractors and the workforce in order to bring a resolution to the satisfaction of the workforce. We are pleased to say that the workers have received the assurances they need in order to return back to work.
“Measures will now be put in place to ensure there is more effective and robust communications on site including on matters relating to health and safety to make sure this situation doesn’t arise again.”