Energy services firm Petrofac has said it has safeguarded nearly 200 jobs with a pair of contract renewals.
The UK deals are worth a combined £80.7million, spanning three years each with options to extend.
Petrofac did not say who the contracts were with, but said it involved a competitive tender process with an international oil company and covered 195 jobs.
It includes work as a duty holder for an offshore asset, operations and maintenance services for an oil and gas development and a gas terminal.
Nick Shorten, managing director of Petrofac’s engineering and production services business in the western hemisphere, hailed the renewals.
He said: “These new contracts with a long-standing client are an excellent example of our ability to scale and integrate our service provision in line with their latest requirements.
“We very much look forward to combining our extensive operations’ experience and digital technology programme to deliver sustainably efficient support on these contracts.”
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