Eighteen offshore workers have been removed from the Taqa Brae platforms after several positive Covid-19 cases.
Seven workers, including three from Brae Alpha and four from East Brae, have tested positive for the virus after demobilising from the platforms.
18 individuals who were identified as close contacts have since been notified and down-manned from the platforms.
A spokesman for TAQA said: “Seven individuals working in the Brae field have tested positive for Covid-19 after demobilising from two different platforms from September 29 to October 6 having developed minor symptoms.
“This includes three individuals from Brae Alpha and four individuals from East Brae. As a result, 18 individuals who were considered to have come into close contact with these individuals have since been notified and down-manned from these platforms.
“In addition, a further 54 individuals who may have also come into contact with those infected from shared helicopter flights were contacted as part of TAQA’s response and advised to follow Scottish Government Test and Protect public health measures and quarantine at home for 14 days.
“Our main priority is to ensure the safety and welfare of everyone on board our platforms. Therefore, TAQA has decided to temporarily down man non-essential crew working on Brae Alpha and East Brae for a period of 7 to 10 days to further minimise the residual risk of Covid-19 transmission. The exact numbers being down manned are currently being determined.
“We have clear procedures in place for handling suspected and confirmed cases of Covid-19 and we continue to work with the relevant authorities and agencies to assess and respond to any Covid-19 related situations in line with UK Government and Health Protection Scotland guidelines.”
The Brae assets transferred to Taqa on October 1 from RockRose following a legal dispute.
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