Plumbing and heating engineers Steve Anderson and John Toet will open their new Aberdeen Training Centre (ATC) on Friday after planning the venture for two years.
Said to be the only centre of its kind north of the central belt, it will encourage plumbers, heating engineers and electricians to embrace green technology.
It is hoped the new facility on Crombie Road will create up to 50 training opportunities for people looking to change career –including those who have left or may be leaving the oil and gas industry.
As well as providing ongoing support and training for plumbers, heating engineers and electricians, ATC will actively encourage new entrants to the trades to help tackle supply and demand issues. It will start delivering courses on March 29.
Mr Anderson, managing director, said: “Our plans for the centre started long before the current Covid-19 crisis, so we never envisaged the redundancies across the region that we’ve seen over the last year.
“Sadly, the oil and gas industry has been hit hard, but we hope to offer new opportunities to these people as they try to get their lives back on track.
“We think the technical skills required in this area of work are a good fit for former oil and gas workers.”