As of 19 December, Westwood Global Energy reports that there are three exploration wells active, with one in the NNS, one in the CNS and one in the SNS. One appraisal well is currently active in the CNS. Since the previous report, one well has completed at Rockhopper.
West of Shetland
No E&A wells have been drilled in the WoS area since the 206/21-1 Howick well in 2019. Two wells are planned to be drilled in 2023.
Northern North Sea
The Serica-operated 3/24c-6 North Eigg HPHT exploration well was spudded with the Paul B Loyd Jr semi-sub on 11 July. The well was re-spudded on 19 July due to a stuck pipe in the original hole and re-spudded again on 9 August due to similar issues. The well has reached TD and encountered hydrocarbons in the target Upper Jurassic intra-Kimmeridge Clay Formation turbidite sandstones. However, the reservoir was thinner, at 16ft (5m), than prognosed. The well is currently being suspended. Serica plan to carry out technical work before deciding whether to re-enter and sidetrack the well at a later date. Westwood estimates volumes to be 1 mmbbl oil and 50 bcf gas (9.3 mmboe) based on the thin reservoir.
The TotalEnergies-operated 3/9a-N43Z Alwyn East exploration well is expected to be spudded imminently, after delays due to weather. The well is targeting a Middle Jurassic Brent Group reservoir in a downthrown fault terrace to the east of the Alwyn field.
Central North Sea
The Noble Sam Hartley jack-up spudded the 30/12d-12 Isabella appraisal well on 1 September. TotalEnergies made the gas condensate discovery in 2019 – 2020 with the 30/12d-11 well. The appraisal well will be drilled in an updip location, targeting the Triassic Judy Member sandstone, and plans to confirm key petrophysical properties to enable development.
The Shell-operated 22/8a Orlov HPHT exploration well was spudded on 14 August with the Valaris 122 jack-up rig, targeting Upper Jurassic Fulmar sandstones in a structural trap in interpod play setting. It is rumoured that the well has made a discovery and that a DST is being carried out.
Southern North Sea
The Shell-operated 42/5a-2 Pensacola well was spudded on 21 November with the Noble Resilient jack-up rig. Pensacola is a frontier, and therefore high impact well, targeting Permian Zechstein Group Z2 reef build-ups in a complex combination trap. The well is expected to take 60 – 90 days to complete.
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