The Net Zero Technology Centre (NZTC) has extended the closing date for applications to its 2023 Open Innovation Programme.
Interested businesses now have until Friday 24th February to submit applications to secure up to £500,000 in funding to support the development and deployment of new tech projects.
Launched in January, the NZTC’s 2023 Open Innovation Programme is the latest in a multi-year funding competition aimed at developing new data and digital technologies to help reduce offshore emissions and support the UK’s net zero ambitions.
The projects must support the transition towards net zero with an obligation of trialling and deploying technology within the UK North Sea.
Alongside the £500,000 NZTC funding, successful applicants have the potential to unlock additional match funding from industry, as well as access to data, facilities, and industry expertise to help develop their business.
Six technology focus areas have been identified for the competition, spanning: integrated data platforms; visual simulations; predictive automation; remote operations; trials and demonstrations for today’s robots; and robotic manipulation capability.
Each solution should be tied to a key use case that can make a material contribution towards the energy transition. Applications could include: reduced venting and flaring; enabling zero-emissions power; or supporting late-life or decommissioning efficiency, as well as supporting developing sectors such as hydrogen, carbon capture and storage or floating wind.
This year’s round follows a highly successful 2022 programme, which saw 154 firms apply for an initial £8m in funding, later match-funded with a further £12m from industry.
Applications must be submitted by Friday 24 February. For more information visit netzerotc.com/funding.
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