Well Slot is a monthly feature from Energy Voice and Westwood Global looking at drilling activity and rig moves in the UK North Sea and Norway.
As of September 22, Westwood Global Energy reports that there is one appraisal well and two exploration wells active on the UKCS, in the CNS at K2 and Leverett, and SNS at Earn.
Since the previous report the Alwyn East exploration well completed in the NNS as an oil discovery, and no new wells have spudded.
West of Shetland
Nothing to report.
Northern North Sea
The TotalEnergies-operated 3/9a-N59, Z Alwyn East exploration well was ‘plugged’ on c. 10 September, a Westwood assumption until confirmation from the NSTA is published. The well spudded on 16 January and sidetracked as 3/9a-N59Z on 25 April. The well was targeting a Middle Jurassic Brent Group reservoir in a downthrown fault terrace. The well was high temperature (HT) but not high pressure (HP). It is understood that the well has encountered a hydrocarbon bearing reservoir and will be perforated and tied back to the facility once the current shut-in is completed. NSTA consent for suspension was granted on 6 September.
Central North Sea
The 21/3d-9, Z Leverett appraisal well, operated by NEO Energy, was spudded on 21 July with the Paul B Loyd Jr semi-sub. The well was sidetracked, 21/3d-9Z, on 4 September. The well is appraising the eastern part of the 21/2-2 Ivy discovery, drilled in 1975, which encountered hydrocarbons in the Lower Cretaceous Britannia Sandstone Formation turbidites. In November 2022, Ithaca quoted 1C-2C-3C resources of 0 – 19.1 – 42 mmboe. The key risk of the well is reservoir depth uncertainty. Several sidetracks are planned for the well.
The Ithaca-operated 22/14c-10, Z, Y K2 exploration well was spudded on 11 June with the Stena Spey semi-sub. The well is targeting a Paleocene target in a four-way dip closed structure. On 27 July, Ithaca announced that hydrocarbons were present in the target reservoir, with 45ft (14m) net thickness. The 22/14c-10Z sidetrack was kicked off on 28 July and, due to mechanical issues, the 22/14c-10 Y sidetrack was kicked off on 12 August. Pre-drill resources are quoted by Ithaca’s parent company Delek as 1U-2U-3U 11.4 – 15.4 – 20.6 mmboe with a CoS 81%. The key risk is depletion from the Everest field.
Southern North Sea
The Dana-operated 42/27-4 Earn well was spudded on 13 July with the Valaris 121 jackup. The well is targeting the Lower Permian Leman Sandstone Formation in a three-way dip, fault-controlled structure. The prospect has pre-drill P90-P50-P10 resources of 37 – 79 – 133 bcf, with a CoGS of c. 70%. Key risks are trap effectiveness due to fault seal requirements, reservoir and source effectiveness. NSTA consent for suspension of the well was granted on 6 September. It is understood that the well has reached the reservoir.
As of September 22, Westwood Global Energy reports that there are no exploration or appraisal wells actively drilling on the NCS.
Since the previous report, three exploration well programmes are in the process of completing, with Velocette a gas discovery, Norma an oil discovery and Krafla Midt Statfjord a dry hole. The Kim and Oseberg Lambda wells have been completed as producing oil wells.
North Sea
The DNO-operated 25/7-11 S Norma HPHT well is in the process of being completed after being spudded on 18 July with the Deepsea Yantai semi-sub.
The well encountered Upper Jurassic reservoir at 4,650m (15,256ft) MD with 20m (66ft) gross thickness and a 16m (52ft) gas condensate column. Reservoir was reported as exceptionally good quality and is considered a play opener by DNO. The operator reported P90-mean-P10 resources of 25 – 70 – 130 mmboe. The discovery has the potential to be a standalone development or could be tied back to nearby infrastructure.
The 30/6-C-2 A Oseberg Lambda well, operated by Equinor, was completed as an oil producer on 19 September, after being spudded on 19 May. It was drilled as a deviated well to test a Lower Jurassic – Triassic target in a tilted fault block on the NW flank of the Oseberg field. The well was batch drilled and suspended from c. 10 June – c. 20 August. On 21 September, the NPD reported the well as “online”, with Westwood holding estimated resources of 10 mmboe.
The Aker BP-operated 30/11-15 Krafla Midt Statfjord well is in the process of being completed after being spudded on 4 June, with the Deepsea Stavanger semi-sub. Data was collected over a known oil-bearing Middle Jurassic reservoir, encountered as expected. The well penetrated the primary Lower Jurassic – Triassic Statfjord Group target, having a total of 58m (190ft) of poor quality, water-bearing reservoir.
The 31/4-A-13 D/E Kim well, operated by OKEA, was completed as a producing well on 12 July, after being spudded on 20 June from the Brage platform. The well was targeting Upper – Middle Jurassic in a downfaulted trap, with a planned TD in block 31/7. On 18 July, OKEA confirmed that the well encountered oil. Westwood is holding c. 10 mmboe until further details are announced.
Norwegian Sea
The OMV-operated 6607/3-1 S Velocette high impact well is in the process of completing, after being spudded on 7 July with the Transocean Norge semi-sub. The well was targeting Upper Cretaceous sandstones in a tilted fault block. The well encountered a 9m (30ft) gas column, penetrated close to prognosis at 3,348m (10,984ft) TVDSS, with a 61m (200ft) thick, high net-to-gross, moderate to very good quality sandstone. As a stand-alone discovery, Velocette is not considered commercial.
As of 24 August, Westwood Global Energy reports that there is one appraisal and three exploration wells active on the UKCS, in the NNS at Alwyn East, CNS at K2 and Leverett, and SNS at Earn. Since the previous report no wells have spudded or completed.
West of Shetland
Nothing to report.
Northern North Sea
The TotalEnergies-operated 3/9a-N59 Alwyn East well spudded on 16 January and was sidetracked on 25 April as the 3/9a-N59Z well. The well is using the existing N43 production well slot on the Alwyn North NAA platform and will be deviated 5.8 km into block 3/4b. It is targeting a Middle Jurassic Brent Group reservoir in a downthrown fault terrace to the east of the Alwyn field. The well is high temperature (HT) but not high pressure (HP). Pre-drill P10 resources are c. 26 mmboe. It is understood that the well has encountered hydrocarbon bearing reservoir, but this has not been officially confirmed.
Central North Sea
The 21/3d-9 Leverett appraisal well, operated by NEO Energy, was spudded on 21 July with the Paul B Loyd Jr semi-sub. The well is appraising the eastern part of the 21/2-2 Ivy discovery, drilled in 1975, which encountered hydrocarbons in the Lower Cretaceous, Aptian aged, Britannia Sandstone Formation turbidites. Three appraisal wells have previously been drilled on Leverett, all encountering hydrocarbons. In November 2022, Ithaca quoted 1C-2C-3C resources of 0 – 19.1 – 42 mmboe. The key risk of the well is reservoir depth uncertainty.
The Ithaca-operated 22/14c-10 K2 exploration well was spudded on 11 June with the Stena Spey semi-sub. The well was targeting a Paleocene Forties Member Sandstone target in a four-way dip closed structure. On 27 July, Ithaca announced that hydrocarbons were present in the target reservoir, with net thickness of 45ft (14m). The JV decided to drill a sidetrack, as planned, to appraise the discovery and this was kicked off on 28 July. A further sidetrack, 22/14c-10 Y was kicked off on 12 August, presumably due to mechanical issues. Pre-drill resources are quoted by Ithaca’s parent company Delek as 1U-2U-3U 11.4 – 15.4 – 20.6 mmboe. The key risk is depletion of the Forties Formation from the Everest field.
Southern North Sea
The Dana-operated 42/27-4 Earn well was spudded on 13 July with the Valaris 121 jackup. The well is targeting the Lower Permian Leman Sandstone Formation in a three-way dip, fault-controlled structure. The prospect has pre-drill P90-P50-P10 resources of 37 – 79 – 133 bcf (6.2 – 13.2 – 22.2 mmboe), with a CoGS of c. 70%. Key risks are trap effectiveness due to fault seal requirements, followed by reservoir and source effectiveness.
As of 24 August, Westwood Global Energy reports that five exploration wells are active on the NCS at Oseberg Lambda, Krafla Midt Statfjord, Kim and Norma in the Northern North Sea and Velocette in the Norwegian Sea. Since the previous report, one exploration well programme spudded at Velocette and the Crino Mulder well completed as an oil and gas discovery. Two appraisal wells in the Norwegian Sea, at Bergknapp and Rondeslottet, have been P&A prior to reaching the target following operational issues, and will be re-drilled later this year or early 2024.
North Sea
The 35/11-26 S, A Crino Mulder well, operated by Equinor, was completed on 11 August having spudded on 14 June with the Deepsea Stavanger semi-sub. The initial well encountered an oil and gas column in the Upper Jurassic Heather Formation Mulder target. The Brent Group and Cook Formation Crino target was water bearing. Resources have been reported as 9 – 35 mmboe.
The DNO-operated 25/7-11 S Norma HPHT well was spudded on 18 July with the Deepsea Yantai semi-sub. The well is assumed to be targeting the Upper Jurassic. DNO holds a pre-drill resource range of 10 – 92 mmboe.
The OKEA-operated 31/4-A-13 D/E Kim well was spudded on 20 June from the Brage platform. The well was drilled as a producer, targeting Upper and Middle Jurassic targets. On 18 July, OKEA confirmed that the Kim well encountered oil and will be evaluated as a potential development well.
Norwegian Sea
The OMV-operated 6607/3-1 S Velocette high impact well was spudded on 7 July with the Transocean Norge semi-sub. The well is targeting Upper Cretaceous Intra-Nise Formation sandstones on a tilted fault block on the flank of the Utgard High. Seismic amplitude responses suggest gas filled sandstones. JV partner Longboat holds mean resources of 177 mmboe.
The Wintershall Dea-operated 6406/3-11 Bergknapp appraisal well was spudded on 15 July with the Transocean Norge semi-sub. The well failed to reach reservoir due to operational issues and a new well will be spudded after the Velocette well completes.
The Aker BP-operated 6405/7-2 S, 6405/7-3 S Rondeslottet appraisal well programme was P&A on 26 July due to technical challenges. Drilling will recommence at a later date. The 6405/7-2 S well was spudded on 12 June, with the Scarabeo 8 semi-sub and was J&A with a sidetrack spudded on 19 June.
As of 31 July, Westwood Global Energy reports that there is one appraisal and three exploration wells active on the UKCS, in the NNS at Alwyn East, CNS at K2 and Leverett, and SNS at Earn. Since the previous report, one exploration well spudded in the SNS at Earn and one appraisal well spudded at Leverett. It was reported that hydrocarbons had been discovered at K2.
West of Shetland
Nothing to report.
Northern North Sea
The TotalEnergies-operated 3/9a-N59 Alwyn East well spudded on 16 January and was sidetracked on 25 April as the 3/9a-N59Z well. The well is using the existing N43 production well slot on the Alwyn North NAA platform and will be deviated 5.8 km into block 3/4b. It is targeting a Middle Jurassic Brent Group reservoir in a downthrown fault terrace to the east of the Alwyn field. The well is high temperature (HT) but not high pressure (HP). Pre-drill P10 resources are c. 26 mmboe however, this is unlikely to be what can be recovered due to the CoP for the field prior to attaining these volumes.
Central North Sea
The 21/3d-9 Leverett appraisal well, operated by NEO Energy, was spudded on 21 July with the Paul B Loyd Jr semi-sub. The well is appraising the eastern part of the 21/2-2 Ivy discovery, drilled in 1975, which encountered hydrocarbons in the Lower Cretaceous, Aptian aged, Britannia Sandstone Formation turbidites. Three appraisal wells have previously been drilled on Leverett, all encountering hydrocarbons. In November 2022, Ithaca quoted 1C-2C-3C resources of 0 – 19.1 – 42 mmboe. The key risk of the well is reservoir depth uncertainty.
The Ithaca-operated 22/14c-10 K2 exploration well was spudded on 11 June with the Stena Spey semi-sub. The well was targeting a Paleocene Forties Member Sandstone target in a four-way dip closed structure. On 27 July, Ithaca announced that hydrocarbons were present in the target reservoir, with net thickness of 45ft (14m). The JV has decided to drill a sidetrack, as planned, to appraise the discovery. Pre-drill resources are quoted by Ithaca’s parent company Delek as 1U-2U-3U 11.4 – 15.4 – 20.6 mmboe. The key risk is depletion of the Forties Formation from the Everest field.
Southern North Sea
The Dana-operated 42/27-4 Earn well was spudded on 13 July with the Valaris 121 jackup. The well is targeting the Lower Permian Leman Sandstone Formation in a three-way dip, fault-controlled structure. The prospect has pre-drill P90-P50-P10 resources of 37 – 79 – 133 bcf (6.2 – 13.2 – 22.2 mmboe), with a CoGS of c. 70%. Key risks are trap effectiveness due to fault seal requirements, followed by reservoir and source effectiveness.
As of 31 July, Westwood Global Energy reports that there is one appraisal and six exploration wells active on the NCS. The appraisal well is in the Norwegian Sea at Bergknapp. Six exploration wells are drilling in the Northern North Sea at Oseberg Lambda, Krafla Midt Statfjord, Vesuv, Crino Mulder, Kim and Norma. Since the previous report, one exploration well programme has been completed in the Northern North Sea with the Carmen well completed as a gas condensate and oil discovery. In the Norwegian Sea, the Rondeslottet appraisal well programme was temporarily postponed. Two exploration wells were spudded and completed in the Norwegian Sea at Garn Vest Sør and Springmus Øst, with no results announced. Two exploration well programmes spudded at Kim and Norma, and one appraisal well programme spudded at Bergknapp.
North Sea
The DNO-operated 25/7-11 S Norma HPHT well was spudded on 18 July with the Deepsea Yantai semi-sub. The well is assumed to be targeting the Upper Jurassic. DNO holds a pre-drill resource range of 10 – 92 mmboe.
The OKEA-operated 31/4-A-13 D/E Kim well was spudded on 20 June from the Brage platform. The well was drilled as a producer, targeting Upper and Middle Jurassic targets. OKEA held mean pre-drill resources of 15 mmboe and has confirmed oil was encountered.
The Wellesley-operated 35/10-10 S, A Carmen well was completed on 17 July, after being spudded on 4 April with the Deepsea Yantai semi-sub. The well programme encountered hydrocarbons in the Middle and Lower Jurassic. The well was a commercial discovery, being P&A gas condensate and oil. The NPD and DNO quote resource ranges of 57 – 289 mmboe and 120 – 230 mmboe, respectively. Wellesley quote 60 – 100 mmboe.
Norwegian Sea
The OKEA-operated 6407/9-14 Garn Vest Sør and 6407/9-15 Springmus Øst wells were drilled with the Transocean Endurance. The wells were completed by 24 July, having spudded on 9 July. The wells targeted the Middle Jurassic and are understood to have reached their targets. No results have been released.
The Wintershall DEA-operated 6406/3-11 Bergknapp appraisal well was spudded on 15 July with the Transocean Norge semi-sub. The well is appraising the 6406/3-10, A Bergknapp discovery, targeting the Lower Jurassic – Triassic. The NPD hold discovered resources of 88.4 mmboe.
The Aker BP-operated 6405/7-2 S, 6405/7-3 S Rondeslottet appraisal well programme was reported as postponed due to technical challenges. The 6405/7-2 S well was spudded on 12 June, with the Scarabeo 8 semi-sub, and was J&A on 18 June. The 6405/7-3 S well was spudded on 19 June. The well is appraising the Upper Cretaceous Ellida discovery. Vår Energi holds 871 mmboe gross resources for the mega-structure.
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