Well Slot is a monthly feature where Westwood’s Stephen Coomber looks at drilling activity and rig moves in UK and Norwegian waters.
UK Offshore Well Slot November 2024
As of 22 November, Westwood Global Energy reports there are two exploration and two appraisal wells active on the UKCS, Brodgar North and Jocelyn South in the CNS and Pensacola (appraisal) and Abbey (appraisal) in the SNS.
Since the previous report, three exploration wells have been completed, with Selene and Baker P&A gas discoveries and Gilderoy P&A oil discovery.
Two exploration and two appraisal wells have spudded.
The Shell-operated 41/5a-3 Pensacola appraisal well was spudded on 17 November with the Valaris 123 jack-up rig.
The well is targeting a more crestal location of the Pensacola micro-platform, where a thicker Permian reservoir is prognosed than was encountered in the 2022 discovery well.
Pre-appraisal P50 resources are 72.6 mmboe.
The 47/3i-17 Abbey appraisal well, operated by Petrogas, was spudded with the Noble Resilient on 13 November.
The well is appraising the 1974 47/3-2 Artemis discovery which encountered gas in a tight Permian reservoir.
Pre-appraisal P50 resources are 19.1 mmboe.
The Harbour-operated 21/3a-H5 Brodgar North well was spudded on 10 November, with the Paul B. Loyd Jr semi-sub.
The prospect is a stratigraphic trap in the Lower Cretaceous.
Westwood is holding estimated resources of c. 10 mmboe.
The 30/7a-R3 Joceyln South well, operated by Harbour, was spudded on 20 October with the Valaris 120 jack-up from the Judy platform.
The well is targeting gas condensate in the Upper and Middle Jurassic and Triassic, in a three-way dip closure.
Pre-drill resources are c. 10 mmboe.
The Harbour Energy-operated 15/28b-10 Gilderoy well was completed on 3 November, after being spudded on 15 September with the Paul B. Loyd Jr semi-sub.
The well targeted c. 10 mmboe in an Eocene four-way dip structure and a Paleocene turbidite channel.
The well has been P&A oil and is considered a commercial discovery.
The 47/3f-16 Baker well, operated by Petrogas, was completed on 10 November, after being spudded on 12 September with the Noble Resilient jack-up rig.
The well encountered gas in the Permian, with improved reservoir characteristics relative to prognosis.
The well has been P&A gas and it is understood resources are close to the pre-drill of c. 57 bcf (9.5 mmboe).
The Shell-operated 48/8b-3, Z Selene well was completed on 10 November, after being spudded on 28 July with the Valaris 123 jack-up rig.
The well encountered a 160m (525ft) thick Permian Leman sandstone, with gas present throughout, and a 53m (174ft) thick “B-Sand”.
A maximum gas column of c. 100m (330ft) has been interpreted based on revised mapping.
Post-drill resources are reported as P90-P50-P10 95 – 131 – 176 bcf.
A c. 20 km tie-back to the Shell-operated Barque field infrastructure is planned, which is tied back to the Clipper North hub.
The well has been P&A gas.
Norway Well Slot November 2024
As of 22 November, Westwood Global Energy reports that there are six exploration and two appraisal wells active on the NCS, with Falstaff in the CNS, Ringand, Anatas Lower, Kaldafjell and Kvernbit & Mimung in the NNS, Løvmeis and Sabina (appraisal) in the Norwegian Sea, and Countach (appraisal) in the Barents Sea.
Since the previous report, the Rhombi-CNØ well was completed as an oil and gas discovery.
The Anatas Lower and Ringand wells were spudded.
Barents Sea
The Vår Energi-operated 7122/8-2 S Countach well was spudded on 8 October with the COSL Prospector semi-sub.
The well is appraising the 7122/8-1 S Countach oil and gas discovery with Middle Jurassic to Middle Triassic reservoirs.
Vår Energi reported pre-appraisal resources of 21 mmboe.
Norwegian Sea
The 6608/10-R-2 H Løvmeis well, operated by Equinor, was spudded on 2 October with the Transocean Encourage semi-sub.
The well is targeting the Middle – Lower Jurassic with a pre-drill STOOIP range of 6 – 35 mmboe.
The Wintershall DEA-operated 6507/4-5 S Sabina appraisal well was spudded on 26 August with the Transocean Norge semi-sub.
The well is appraising an Upper Cretaceous oil discovery, with pre-appraisal resources of 22.9 mmboe.
North Sea
The 31/1-4 Ringand well, operated by Equinor, was spudded on 5 November with the Deepsea Atlantic semi-sub.
The ILX well is targeting the Middle to Lower Jurassic with pre-drill resources of 10 – 37 mmboe.
The Equinor-operated 34/10-A-48 E Anatas Lower well was spudded on 26 October from the Gullfaks A drilling facility.
The ILX well is targeting the Lower Jurassic. Pre-drill resources are c. 1 mmbbl.
The 34/6-7 S Kaldafjell well, operated by Aker BP, was spudded on 11 October with the Deepsea Nordkapp semi-sub.
The HPHT well is targeting the Lower Jurassic with pre-drill resources of 12 – 140 mmboe.
The DNO-operated 2/6-7 S, A Falstaff well was spudded on 20 September with the Noble Invincible jack-up rig.
The high impact prospect has a Paleocene and Upper Jurassic target with pre-drill resources of 25 – 184 mmboe.
The 30/11-30 S, A Rhombi-CNØ well, operated by Equinor, was completed on 4 November, after being spudded on 18 September with the Deepsea Atlantic semi-sub.
The 35/11-30 S encountered a 41m thick gas-filled Upper Jurassic reservoir.
The 35/11-30 A well encountered a 43m gas and 6m oil column in the Upper Jurassic, and a 12m oil column the Middle Jurassic.
The well has been P&A oil and gas with post-drill resources of 12.6 – 28.3 mmboe.
The Equinor-operated 35/10-14 S Kvernbit & Mimung HPHT well was spudded on 8 September with the Deepsea Stavanger semi-sub.
The firm ILX well is targeting the Upper to Lower Jurassic with pre-drill mean resources of 79 mmboe.
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