Dolphin Drilling (OSLO: DDRIL) has said two North Sea rigs will join its growing fleet in the first quarter of next year.
The Aberdeen-headquartered firm announced the acquisition of the Transocean Leader and Paul B. Loyd Jr semisubmersibles from Transocean in June.
In latest financial filings, the rig firm said both vessels will join its fleet in Q1.
So far, Dolphin has paid $6.1m in deposits to Transocean, with the remaining $43m to be paid at closing “in early Qtr 1, 2024”.
Dolphin has also signed a $65m loan facility with Maritime Asset Partners Ltd linked to the Paul B. Loyd Jr acquisition. It has already fully drawn on an existing shareholder loan facility of $15m.
It comes after Dolphin Drilling obtained safety case approval from the Offshore Major Accident Regulator (OMAR) for the deal.
Paul B. Loyd Jr is currently on contract with Harbour Energy, while the Leader is stacked in the UK.
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