Sonar Equipment Services has delivered its first multi-sensor remotely operated vehicle (ROV) survey package for its Norwegian operations, the company announced today.
Commissioned by offshore surveyors Calecore, the Sonar package consists of survey and subsea equipment as well as offshore support personnel.
The package also includes a “plug and play” Innova Matrix MKII fibre optic multiplexer for transporting the survey data to base.
“This scope of work demonstrates our ability to deliver innovative technical solutions when off the shelf answers are simply not enough to meet the challenges and demands faced by our customers,” said Neil Jackson, sales and operations manager for Sonar Equipment Services.
“The successful completion of this project underlines our ability to identify and source the right technology from our diverse array of survey and subsea equipment and then integrate together a highly effective, functional and fully tested package which meets the customer’s requirements.”
The Great Yarmouth-based company is carrying out a pipeline route survey in the Norwegian waters which includes environmental and geotechnical studies of the area.