A search for three missing workers following a fire on a Pemex oil platform in the Gulf of Mexico is still underway.
The incident, which happened last Wednesday, killed four people and left dozens of other workers injured.
The state-owned company said repairs have begun to resume production at the facility while the search for the missing workers continues.
Pemex said it expects it will meet its output target of 646,000 barrels per day (bpd) for the region despite it being shut down on the platform following the fire.
The fire broke out on Pemex’s Abkatun Permanente processing platform in the oil-rich Bay of Campeche leading to the evacuation of 302 people.
The blaze was not extinguished until more than 12 hours later.
Gustavo Hernandez, Pemex’s head of exploration and production, said the incident had led Pemex to shutter production of about 220,000 bpd, with some 170,000 bpd coming back online between
Sunday and Monday.
He said: “The original 2015 production target for the Southeast Marine Region of 646,000 bpd of oil will be met.”
Investigators are still in the process of gaining access to the site as they assess what could have caused the fire.
In 2012, 26 people were killed in a fire at a Pemex natural gas facility.
A further 37 people also died at a blast at the company’s Mexico City headquarters the following year.