Energy company EDF has rejected claims that it intends to ‘retreat’ from the the UK energy market due to Westminster government energy market policies.
Media reports claimed last week that the French company was “weighing options to distance itself from the British energy market”.
But today, EDF Energy denied the claims, and reiterated its rejection of the reports.
EDF Renewables is a partner in Lewis Wind Power (LWP), the company behind the proposed Stornoway Wind Farm development, and any move to leave the UK energy market could raise concerns over the future of that project.
A statement issued by EDF, said: “EDF is more committed than ever to the UK market and to strengthening its existing retail business.”
French company EDF is currently building two new nuclear power reactors at Hinkley Point C in Somerset, and is a retail supplier of gas and electric to UK’s domestic and business markets.
A statement from the Comhairle, which is working with The Stornoway Trust to maximise the community return on LWP’s proposed Stornoway Wind Farm, confirmed that the development was progressing its bid for government funds.
The Comhairle’s statement said: “On 25th January the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy issued the Draft Allocation Framework for the Third Contracts for Difference (CfD) Allocation Round.
This shows Remote Island Wind as an eligible technology category. Lewis Wind Power, in which EDF is a partner, will be bidding into that CfD auction.”
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