I have been involved with Step Change in Safety since 2016 and co-chair of the organisation since April 2019.
I became involved with Step Change in Safety as I have a passion to make sure everyone goes home safe after their shift and that we all play our part in making this happen, from the front line to the boardroom.
The idea of operators, service companies, unions, regulators, trade bodies and, most importantly, SI971 Reps all working together to make sure the UKCS is safest basin in the world is inspiring.
From a service company perspective, the ability to learn from others and work together to develop standardised tools that make things simple for everyone to use can only have a positive effect on the UKCS safety performance.
I have utilised tools such as Major Accident Hazards Awareness and Safe Working Essentials in my own company, and they clearly give a clear and standardised message that is aligned with our clients and that can only be a positive.
Dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic this year has been the most challenging episode in my career and it has been fantastic to be part of Step Change in Safety team as this has assisted in building a learning community in the UKCS and has most definitely helped all involved in managing the crisis.
As I look forward, there is no doubt that there is much to learn from the past, but we must look to the future. A new generation will now take the UKCS into its next phase of delivering oil and gas, but also deliver our industry’s energy transition.
Step Change in Safety is preparing for this by exploring digital solutions, different ways of communicating and looking at what our role is in the energy transition.
Finally, I can honestly say the work that I have played a small part in delivering for Step Change in Safety has been personally rewarding and I know it will make a difference in creating the open and learning culture we all want in our industry.
For more information about the Step Change in Safety leadership team, please visit: https://www.stepchangeinsafety.net/about/leadership-team/
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