NOV introduces the iNOVaTHERM™ portable treatment unit that efficiently treats oil-based drilling waste on both onshore and offshore locations, allowing you to eliminate the costly transport of waste while meeting all environmental requirements for disposal.
As a multi-energy source indirect thermal treatment unit, iNOVaTHERM processes various drilling wastes, including contaminated drill cuttings, oil-based muds, oily sludges, and slops.
“Our iNOVaTHERM system improves your environmental performance by treatment of drilling waste at the source,” said Mark Lapeyrouse, President of NOV’s WellSite Services business unit. “The thermal treatment unit can ensure optimum processing performance for the treatment of your drilling waste.”
Offshore drilling operations have typically relied on a process of shipping drilling waste to shore for treatment and disposal. Our iNOVaTHERM product has proven to recover oil and water from the drilling waste, consistently delivering as low as 0.1% oil on cuttings (OOC) for safe disposal. In turn this eliminates the need for dedicated supply vessels to ship waste containers for onshore treatment.
Unlike other technologies, our portable treatment unit uses non-frictional indirect heating to maintain constant temperatures with lower energy requirements, which improves efficiency with quicker startup and shutdown times, lowering non-productive time (NPT).
Featuring a compact, robust design, the unit is a “plug-and-play” system that offers simple mobilization and installation while providing a reduced footprint and deck loading when compared to alternative technologies.
In addition to reducing environmental impact, the system’s higher treatment capacities, decreased energy consumption, and reduced manpower requirements will lower your operating costs. Further cost savings can be recognized through recovery of expensive base oil and the elimination of skip rentals and transportation. By notably reducing lifting and handling operations, your associated HSE risk is significantly lowered.
The iNOVaTHERM portable treatment unit is commercially available.