There are just weeks to go before a very special All-Energy and co-located Dcarbonise show open at Glasgow’s SEC.
It will be notable not only because it is the first ‘in-person’ show for two years, but also because this year’s show marks a milestone. All-Energy is now celebrating its 21st anniversary. You can register to attend at all-energy.co.uk/EV.
The first show was held in Aberdeen at the AECC on 27 and 28 February 2001 – in deep snow. In a video on the All-Energy website, Judith Patten MBE, who created All-Energy with David Stott, the initiator of Offshore Europe, recalls how the show came about.
“David and I had long thought that the renewable energy industry really needed a professionally run event. His board didn’t share our view. He retired at Christmas 1999. I carried on working on Offshore Europe, and in early 2000 needed a quote to use in a brochure, and that’s when fate played its part.
“I phoned Rita Stephen in Aberdeen City Council’s Economic Development Unit asking for a quote from ‘Europe’s Oil and Gas Capital’, and she responded: ‘We’re now The Energy City.’
“I asked: ‘Does that include renewables?’ and Rita said: ‘You need to talk to Jeremy Cresswell [now Energy Voice’s Emeritus Editor] about that, he’s forming a renewable energy group (that subsequently became AREG).’
“I was due to meet him within weeks, dispatched the business we were supposed to cover quickly; and said: ‘Tell me about you and renewable energy…’”
David Stott was invited to a dinner by The Lord Provost and there and then committed to running a show in 2001. “We are extremely grateful to Jeremy, and on many occasions when making introductory remarks on opening day I would refer to him as All-Energy’s father – or midwife! We had 14 amazing shows in Aberdeen; we certainly saw attendance swell dramatically and so too did exhibitor numbers.”
Reed Exhibitions (RX Global) acquired the show in 2011. Portfolio director for marine and energy, Jonathan Heastie, takes up the story: “We want to know what attendees over the years have enjoyed about the UK’s largest annual renewable and low carbon event; when they first went – did they attend as a speaker, exhibitor or as a visitor? We want them to tell us all about their first (and ongoing) All-Energy experiences. We’re in this together as always – engineering a net zero future! Tell us your story and your best memories of attending All-Energy at all-energy.co.uk/anniversary.”
“As well as encouraging past attendees to take part in this trip down memory lane, we urge them to register online for what is going to be a superb event. The massive, free-to-attend conference fills 11 conference halls and seven show floor theatres. The All-Energy sessions feature stellar line-ups on every form of renewable energy, coupled with grid and networks, finance and funding – and more.
Meanwhile, Dcarbonise focuses on the built environment, decarbonising heat, transport, industry, places, and the supply chain. The busy and buzzy show floor has its own very special vibe and innovative solutions will be like a silver thread running throughout the event.”
Judith Patten added: “I recall that when we announced the first show, the late-Ted Strachan, long time Energy Editor of The Press and Journal, wrote in ‘Aberdeen Petroleum Report’, “This will be the next Offshore Europe”. We’ve still a way to go, but we serve an ambitious, passionate, and determined industry, so let’s see where we stand in another decade, another 21 years!”
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