A talk with Francesco Benvenuto, Head of Energy Management for Falck Renewables – Next Solutions
Francesco Benvenuto is head of energy management at Falck Renewables – Next Solutions – the area within the Falck Renewables group that is dedicated to energy management. In this interview, Francesco Benvenuto will tell us about the opportunities for renewable energy producers who want a more profitable alternative, making the most of all the opportunities that the market has to offer.
Extreme weather events, drought, war. Europe is facing a very difficult moment that requires us to reflect on our future, also from an energy point of view. Renewables sources will play a leading role in this context. What do you think?
The UK, in the next 10 years, will see a substantial increase in the share of energy production from renewable sources and the current situation can only accelerate this trend.
The ecological transition is an important challenge that involves producers and consumers, but it is also a great opportunity that must be seized. This is why Falck Renewables – Next Solutions’ aim is for renewable assets to be more and more competitive especially considering the current, ever-so-complex, context.
From a technological point of view this goal has already been achieved, though there is still a lot of potential to be exploited on the energy market.
What is Falck Renewables – Next Solutions’ proposal and who is it for?
The offer from Falck Renewables – Next Solutions is aimed at all renewable energy producers who wish to maximize their earnings. Our company aims to offtake energy at a competitive price through the signing of a power purchase agreement (PPA), making the most of it through the negotiation of the related green certificates.
Why should operators entrust you with the energy produced by their plants? What sets you apart from other operators?
Because Falck Renewables – Next Solutions is an experienced and trustworthy operator, part of a large international group that manages more than 1.8 TWh worldwide, of which 300 GWh is in the UK alone, only from wind farms.
Unlike many of its competitors, Falck Renewables – Next Solutions operates in a lean way and with the flexibility that is usually typical of small businesses. This is why it offers tailor-made contracts designed to the needs of both parties. Our goal, in fact, is to forge real partnerships with producers so that they can maximize their earnings rather than just increase the number of customers.
Falck Renewables – Next Solutions does not offer fixed-price energy offtake contracts or long periods ones. Our fees are extremely competitive and commensurate with the price of energy. The main objective is that our partners are happy with the proposed economic conditions and trust us. This is because by entrusting us with their energy, they also delegate the production management.
This is in fact a fundamental part of our business – not only do we purchase energy, but we monitor the plants’ performance too, thanks to complex proprietary systems and cutting-edge technologies that allow us to minimise the risk of imbalance. We take the risks associated with the variable nature of renewable plants. In short, our task is to make a not-so-easy activity, become an easy one instead.
Specifically, what are the strengths of your offer and what are the advantages for the producers who rely on you?
There are several reasons why producers should entrust us with their renewable energy, the first one being experience: Falck Renewables – Next Solutions is part of a large company, with many years of experience in renewable energy production and management. The company has all the necessary skills and, above all, a strong knowledge of the market. We have a skilled team dedicated 24/7 to power trading that offers optimal management of energy flows on physical and financial markets, also thanks to sophisticated analysis and forecasting systems.
With us, producers will find a flexible interlocutor. Falck Renewables – Next Solutions is smart, it does not have the typical strict structure of a large organization and its main objective is closing satisfactory agreements for both parties. That is why it does not propose rigid or binding standard contracts for too long a time. Our PPA contracts are always tailor-made to meet the needs of the interested parties, taking into account both context and the historical moment in which they are stipulated and without neglecting the market conditions, which are often unstable and changing.
The basis for a lasting partnership is mutual satisfaction, which is why total transparency is a key value of ours. Our goal is to seal well- balanced contracts in which both parties earn. Falck Renewables – Next Solutions wants to optimize profits with a win-win approach, sharing the results in total transparency.
Competitiveness is certainly one of our most interesting strengths. We offer an energy purchase price that is certainly more advantageous than most well-known competitors’. We support producers with strategic advice to optimise the price of energy and environmental certificates. Our fees are among the lowest on the market, a particularly relevant figure when compared to the quality of the services we offer.
Last, but not least, the group we are part of can boast a financial solidity proven by constantly growing economic results. We have chosen to primarily manage the energy produced by our group’s renewable assets and, overall, we manage about 2 TWh throughout Europe.
Energy is certainly a complex market though full of opportunities, how do you support producers to help them maximize their earnings?
The great strength of Falck Renewables – Next Solutions lies in the all-round competence that allows it to support producers in the management of all energy issues, encouraging informed decisions on the energy markets. We can say that we invite producers to “challenge” the market with us and we do it with the awareness and experience of those who have all the credentials and skills to do so. This is why we propose to producers to diversify their income – we are, in fact, convinced that the profit should not come solely from the sale of energy, but also from ancillary services provided to the national electricity grid which – if provided correctly – can generate significant income.
Should a producer be interested in your offer and would like more information, what should they do?
The first thing is to contact us. Getting to know the producers and making an appointment is the first step through which we will be happy to listen to your needs, take a look at the characteristics of the system and the data relating to the annual energy produced or estimated. In a historical moment in which everything is necessarily faster and more virtual, we remain of the idea that – when distances and circumstances allow – looking into each other’s eyes and shaking hands is still the best way to relate to our potential partners.