Global artificial intelligence (AI) seismic interpretation experts Geoteric are continuing to disrupt the market with another world-first software release. The new technology is game-changing for energy companies and will prove critical to operators; enabling them to de-risk well placement, reduce their environmental impact and increase profitability by better predicting future production.
Building on Geoteric’s cutting-edge AI Fault interpretation that accurately detects faults invisible to the human eye, the new release – Geoteric 2023.1 – now includes structurally-aware AI Horizons. The technology identifies every event from surface to region of interest in hours and comes at a crucial time for operators facing demands to fast-track production.
The software will be revolutionary for geoscience teams, enabling 100% interpretation of the data in a seismic volume, even in complex geology, in a very short time frame. This unique product – delivering results that have never been possible before – will be essential for the energy sector where shorter seismic interpretation time ultimately equates to assets being brought online safer and faster.
Geoteric 2023.1 continues to leverage the combination of geoscientist expertise with the guidance of AI. The new user-friendly workflows bring together AI Faults and AI Horizons, reducing the time it takes to make accurate volumetric calculations or create structural models with the automatic fault surface extraction tool and one-click transfer to 3rd party modelling software.
Nicola Blanshard, CEO at Geoteric, said: “We’re proud to be the first AI seismic interpretation provider to deliver these innovative capabilities to our customers around the world. Users will now be able to complete projects faster than ever before with no compromise on accuracy or quality, whether they need to understand compartmentalisation of their reservoir for better production prediction, de-risk future well placement or be able to quickly identify suitable and safe locations for carbon capture and storage (CCS) sites.
“Our customers asked for more transparent data consumption models and we listened. With 2023.1 we’re offering unlimited access to the technology, and, as it can be installed on the desktop, users can be confident that no data need leave their IT security system.
“We believe that seismic interpretation is at its most powerful when human and artificial intelligence are combined, and this is true now more than ever. By reducing the time to complete tasks with no reduction in accuracy, our software enables companies to make better business decisions. We’re literally, expanding their horizons.”
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