International School Aberdeen (ISA) has received an “exceptionally positive” report following a recent inspection by Education Scotland.
HM Inspectors from the country’s governing education body visited ISA in March this year with the published findings released publicly in mid-June.
ISA, Scotland’s first international school, was judged on four standards, receiving two ‘excellent’ scores (6 out of 6) which is ‘extremely rare’ and only occurs in very few inspections. The school was furthermore awarded two ‘very good’ scores meaning the inspectors had no recommendations for improvement.
Results of International School Aberdeen inspection
“To receive this exceptionally good report with largely unparalleled results in Scotland is wonderful for our entire school community,” said ISA’s head of school Nick Little.
“This report demonstrates that we are truly sector leading and we are delighted that our dedication to providing children and young people with a global approach to education has been recognised in this way.”
The report abounds with positive statements with the main recommendations being to “continue to deliver high-quality, enriching learning experiences for children and young people”.
Highlights of the report include the “consistently very high standards of learning and teaching across the school”.
Secondly, a reminder that teachers and support staff work together, with inspectors commending “the dedication of all staff in creating a supportive ethos of nurture and achievement, where children, young people and adults feel valued and included.”
Nick added: “I am extremely proud of the dedication of all staff at ISA who can feel justly proud of how we have worked through some tough years to produce a remarkable education recognised by an external national education agency.
“I am very appreciative of all the work our school community has put into making this result possible.”
Teachers commended at ISA
The report commends the school’s ‘exceptional quality of leadership at all levels across the school’ and the ‘consistently very high standards of learning and teaching’. Teachers were commended for ‘providing rich and dynamic learning experiences that promote diversity and celebrate internationalism.’
ISA’s high levels of attainment across the school were identified as exemplary with all children and young people developing valuable skills and depth of knowledge across the curriculum, leading to outstanding results in external exams and assessments.
The dedication of teachers in creating a supportive ethos of nurture and achievement was also cited as examples of leading practice, with the ‘wellbeing of children and staff alike central to the work of the school’. The report states the children are highly motivated to learn and that they contribute to improving their school in highly meaningful ways.
“It is a privilege to work here at ISA alongside a progressive, talented and dynamic leadership team, whose experience and skill sets align with our kind and inclusive school culture, leading to truly outstanding results,” added Nick.
“ISA is a very special place; we have a wonderful staff and parent community, and our remarkable children and young people inspire us every day. We have a true passion to empower and support the next generation, not only with academic success, but with the power that compassion and respect for all holds.”
ISA educates children from age three to 18. The school has a student population of almost 550 students with half of those coming from the UK and the other 50% comprised of 45 different nationalities.
Established in August 1972, ISA has continued, over the last five decades, its mission to deliver educational excellence while helping children find their place in the world.
Find out more information about ISA.
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